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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day and the Desire for More

I found this meditation this morning at the beginning of the January 2012 Magnificat. It’s by Father James M. Sullivan, O.P., novice master for the Dominican Province of Saint Joseph at Saint Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati. I thought I’d share it with you. It’s a wonderful meditation with which to start the New Year…

Why do we look forward to a New Year? This perception within ourselves is almost built into us: The New Year will be better than the last. This year will be happier. I will be more organized. I will be thinner! In truth, this notion of beginning again is built into us and God made us this way so that we would never stop longing for him.

Whatever it is we are wishing for or desiring this New Year, stop for a second and thank God simply for the gift of desire itself, for the theological virtue of hope which shows us the fulfillment of our desire, and for the longing he has placed in our heart that will never be satisfied in this world.

In whatever way the New Year will unfold before us remains a matter of God’s providence. Our fulfillment of his will rests in what we choose to do. In the midst of all of that, no matter what happens, never stop desiring more—more happiness, more joy, more of him.

Through the intercession of Our Lady, Mary Mother of God, may God bless you all with abundant graces in 2012!

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